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Pregnancy & Post-Natal Yoga

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Why Yoga in Pregnancy or Post-natally?

What are the benefits of pregnancy yoga & post-natal yoga?

Whilst many think of yoga as suitable for only the super bendy, super fit... yoga is in fact an ancient practice, focused on bringing the mind, body, heart and for some, the spirit into balance. It offers a multifaceted approach to exercise that encourages stretching, mental focus and  conscious breathing. Research suggests that yoga is not only safe to be practiced in pregnancy and post-natally, but also provides many benefits for pregnant women and their babies.


Prenatal yoga can:

  • Improve sleep

  • Reduce stress and anxiety

  • Increase the strength, flexibility and endurance of muscles needed for childbirth

  • Decrease lower back pain, nausea, headaches and shortness of breath

  • Provide dedicated time for pregnant women to connect to their ever-changing body, environment and baby


These classes also help you meet and bond with other pregnant women and/ or new mums and prepare for and share all that being a new parent entails in a safe and calming space.


What happens during a typical TMY pregnancy or post-natal yoga class?

A typical class includes:

  • Opening Meditation. We always open a class in a comfortable and relaxed position, with a specific theme 'visayah' or intention 'sankalpa' which helps to focus & calm the mind and nervous system

  • Breathing. 'Pranayama'. During this opening meditation, we bring focus to the breath - noticing the effect of the breath on the body & the mind. We introduce a number of different breathing techniques which can help with; calming the mind & nervous system, reduce or manage shortness of breath in pregnancy and work through contractions during labour.

  • Gentle stretching. In each class we will move through a sequence of stretches which gradually open the key joints and muscles in the body, releasing tensions and stress.

  • Poses. 'Asana'. While standing, sitting or lying on the ground, we'll gently move the body through different positions aimed at developing your strength, flexibility and balance. Props — such as blankets, cushions and belts — are provided and used to provide support and comfort through all stages of pregnancy and post-birth.

  • Relaxation. At the end of each class, we'll take time to move slowly to release and relax your muscles and restore your resting heart rate and breathing rhythm, before settling into a super cosy final relaxation. I will guide you through this, perhaps by paying close attention to sensations, thoughts and emotions, or by repeating a mantra or sankalpa to bring about a state of self-awareness and inner calm take back into your day.


Tiger Mama Yoga pregnancy yoga and post-natal yoga courses run in 6-week blocks, giving you the time to commit to a regular practice, familiarise yourself with important breathing techniques and pelvic floor exercises which can be practiced at home and during/ post-birth and forge friendships with your fellow mamas.

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